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ACC Unlawful Process and Conduct Evidential Site 


The Accident Compensation Corporation has failed to levy a new category of self-employed earner that came into effect under the Income Tax Act 2007 on the 1st of April 2008. This category of earner is the self-employed earner (contractor) who receives PAYE schedular payments for the purposes of the PAYE rules. The result of this is the unlawful denial of multi-millions of dollars in weekly compensation to thousands of injured self-employed claimants since the 1st of April 2008. 

This is a complex matter and this site is designed to break down the evidence in a way most people should be able to understand. The links below will take you to various points of interest and I will show you a truly mind boggling display of state agency incompetency and misfeasance. There is a lot more information to go up but the basic outline is here. This page will be updated as required. Please keep an eye out for more information. 

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